What is a WannaBe Runner?

No matter how far I run, how many races I do, or how fast I get, I will forever be a WannaBe Runner


To be honest, I spent so many years saying that I couldn't, wouldn't, and didn't want to run, that even after ten months of running regularly, I still am amazed I can actually do it.  So much of running is mind and spirit, and I want to always remember the feeling of beginning so I can cheer for others who say "I can't".  I was always one to say, "I'll only run if someone big is chasing me" and shook my head in disbelief at friends who actually ran for fun.

I did a one-eighty.  Why can't you?

So in my book (and on this blog) you are a WannaBe Runner if you simply want to be one.

You may have run since childhood, or won't start till next week.

You may run slower than molasses, or be a world-class sprinter.

You may have ten marathons under your belt, or barely make it to the end of the driveway.

Do you wanna run?

Then welcome to the club.