Monday, September 12, 2011


The pounding of my feet has a strange affect on my spirit.  
With each step I feel a loosening, a release, as the knots unravel.  
A burst of speed, a whoosh of breath, the steady thump of my heart as it speaks
within my chest.

A peace achieved by exertion.

As I run, I leave the mess, the tangle of doubts and questions, behind.
I am slowly unbound and unburdened.

And I return freer and lighter, ready for my day to continue
as He has planned.

Photo credit


  1. i love this! What a great description of the freedom and release that it brings. I went out today--the first time since last Wednesday, which means that I struggled a bit. But it still felt great to be out and moving!

  2. Yay Lisa! Struggling may be inevitable after a break, but the blessings are numerous as well. Good job getting those knots out!
