Thursday, October 6, 2011

What's your excuse?

Will > Excuse

It's really as simple as that.

And as hard as that.

The will to choose an apple instead of chips.

The will to lace up instead of lie down.

The will to push yourself instead of accept defeat.

What's your excuse? 

Don't let your excuses define you, today, or any day.

It's your choice.

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"
Phil. 4:13


  1. Today I got my shoes on since ... the parting of the Red Sea ?! I kept saying to myself, "do hard things". It wasn't pretty - but I felt great and know if I keep with it each time will get prettier and easier. I just gotta fight the laziness !

  2. Great job! That first time after a hiatus is so hard- it was for me even after just 6 weeks of healing up my injury. WTG!
