Monday, September 5, 2011

Building the Track

"Stick with it!"

"Stay on track!"

"You can do it!"

Encouraging words for a runner.  We need them, and embrace them, but if we 
don't know what our "it" is, then we're not going to get anywhere.

Our track must first be built.

In order to have a track to follow, we must make some goals.  They can be
simple goals, small goals, or they can be big, exciting and long-term.  They serve as our
inspiration and our conscience; our friends and our foes.  But regardless of what
they seem like on any given day,

goals are what keep us going when things get tough.

I am writing from a frustrating place, as I have been unable to run for weeks 
due to a strain in a hip flexor muscle.  I have felt angry, worried, hopeful, and resigned.
I have noticed the irony in the fact that I started a running blog while not running.

But still, the track lays before me.

I have laid the track over the past year.  
A track of purpose and determination and forward momentum.
And it has kept me going.

So today, I get to run.  I am excited and nervous, anxious to get going, but cautious,
wondering if my leg will hold up to the challenge.

The goals I set for myself stretch out 
beyond my present circumstances:
~a 5K in two weeks, just praying to finish without pain
~increasing my distance each week, bit by bit
~decreased fatigue in my day, trusting in my body's renewing capabilities
~a long term goal of a half-marathon in February
~increasing my speed
~toning this near-forty-year-old body; better health than when I was 20
~listen to the Spirit's voice, always be open to His leading
~always be running toward the prize of eternal life in Christ
 That's what it's all for anyway, right?

Let's share goals.  
What are yours?

They could be as simple as making it to the next mailbox out on your run tomorrow.  Or as profound as using your running to work through to forgiveness for a wrong done to you. 

Leave your goals in the comments, and let's encourage each other
on this journey.  I will be praying for you!

Don't forget the giveaway!  Still time to enter...


  1. Hmmm…let's see…My main goal is to completely work through the Couch to 5k program. I'm halfway through. I am planning on doing a 5k in November--it's called the Turkey Trot, how cute is that!

    I think more than anything, my reason for beginning to run is that there is a streak of diabetes in my family and I am determined that it will end with me! I need to stay active. It does seem strange that I waited until 41 to start this, but I am not going to let that deter me! I even recruited a friend who's about the same age to run with me, so now I have a running buddy!

    I'm interested to hear others' stories!

  2. Goals - alright, I'm really good at the goal-setting. Goal-completing? Not so much! I'm working through the C25K as well (woo to the hoo, Lisa!). I'm only on week 2 - and I kind of stalled out a bit ago...but, I'm determined to get on track. I signed up for a gym (because I'm one of those weird people who loves running on a treadmill and can't stand running outside). It's 24 hours, too - so I can go late at night, which is my favorite!

    Reasons for running: My main goal is to get back in shape. I'm not a skinny girl - and never will be - that's not the point. But my freshman year of college, I lost 50ish pounds and was the healthiest I've ever been. A happy marriage, adorable baby, and several years later - I gained it all back and then some. As my little guy is just starting to learn how to crawl I'm realizing how important it is that I "keep up with him." So, he's my inspiration.

    I actually found myself running on the treadmill the other day and breaking through my "wall" by telling myself, "Run for Auggers, just run for him." It worked! So excited for this community, girls!

  3. Lisa, I started running last year, at 37, after never having run since highschool PE (and only then because I had to). I don't know why I started either...just did. And it feels like something indulgent I do for me, even on the days I really don't feel like getting out there. Way to go on starting this journey!! Keep me posted!

    Alle- I use mantras too when I run. Sometimes it's just "doitdoitdoitdoit" and sometimes it's more meaningful than that. LOL! Good for you on the treadmill thing! That's actually something I'm going to be writing about. I hate the treadmill and love being outside, but anything can become a spiritual/physical barrier if you let it! Go for it girl!!

  4. I used to run all the time. We're talking 5-6 miles a day and the weight dropped off. Then, my body (metabolism) and spirit hit a wall. I wasn't losing the weight like before and life happened. I stopped running. I miss it and it is a battle. I've had a major knee surgery since then and health problems. The knee does give out on me at times, I have no cartilage in my knee, but I don't want that to stop me.

    My goals that I can think of:
    * Finish the C25K program. I started it a few months ago, but it got dropped when things got busy.
    *Train my body to be a morning person. Run and time in the Word in the morning, not night. Life is getting to busy to get it in in the evening.
    *Begin running 5K's with my sister. She has asked me many times, but I have said No because I know I currently wouldn't be able to keep up with her. The soonest one I think I could be ready for is in November.
    *Get Healthy!!
    *Keep running towards Christ!

  5. Yes, wonderful goals, Nicole! The run/walk program (you can ask Heather about it) by Jeff Galloway might be perfect for you with your knee issues. Then you can ease into it. I will be praying for you!

  6. WooHoo I needed to read this today. I'm inspired to get off my booty and keep building. :)

  7. My goal is, as you know, my 10 mile race on the 18th of Sept. THAT's COMING UP QUICK! and after that it will be to just keep at it. To not quit after coming so far. I want to be healthy, and strong and faithful to my maker, always faithful. Love this.
